Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Project 52 : 3 DIY felt cloud decor

i once saw a cloud/raindrop mobile on etsy.
i loved it dearly 
and meant to make one for Little Man.
He's a tad too big for a mobile now
so i twisted it a bit and
made him a sweet wall of clouds instead.

its a pretty easy project
all you need to know 
is how to use scissors
and how to hand sew two pieces of something together.
but be smarter than me 
and use a sharper needle than what i used.

here's what you will need :

 you will also need stuffing, which i did not photograph
my stuffing was being rather stubborn
and could not be found at picture time.
[ later found it under Bitty Boy's crib
... Little Lady's doing ... ]

step 1
cut out a felt cloud to use as template
pin said cloud to other pieces of felt
and cut out more clouds
and more clouds
and more.
you will need two (or "twoh" as GiGi says) clouds
for every one cloud you put on your wall.

save your scraps for the raindrops!

step 2
use your [sharp] needle and yarn
and stitch your clouds together
but before you close them
make sure to stuff them!

step 3
cut out raindrops with your scraps.

step 4
hang up and enjoy
you can even point at them
and saw "whoooooooeeee"
like Little Man does.

he and Rescued Dog read a book
while i took the photos.

i love it.
Little Man loves it.

and now i need to make some for my room, heeeee.


  1. This turned out to be more adorable than I could have ever imagined!! and you sure cranked it out pretty quick! what was it, around three days that you only had two clouds hung up?? well it turned out to be so fun! :) I am excited to see little man point to them ;)
